Saturday, November 13, 2010

Subway Stomping Rhythms

The wait for trains seemed especially long this weekend, especially for the #6. There was this guy in the 14th Street Union Square Station playing these plastic buckets with a pair of drumsticks. He even included the big black garbage can next to him. I wish I had my movie camera with me. I wish you could hear the sounds and the rhythms. He made five bucks in tips by the time our train pulled into the station. He had to have had at least $50.00 more in the bottom of the bag.

What is stomp? "Stomp is a high-energy, percussive symphony, coupled with dance, played entirely on unconventional instruments, such as garbage can lids, buckets, brooms and sticks. It is a movement, of bodies, objects, sounds - even abstract ideas, made completely original through the use of everyday objects in totally non-traditional ways" (  If you want to see and hear what Stomping is about, visit YouTube. If you're in the States or Canada you can watch the movie on

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